The Hēi Māo

On the 6th plot of the 30th ward of Lavender Beds, you see a mansion of Yanxian design.


In the distance, you can see a crimson-roofed building. It is said that a renowned fortuneteller resides inside; able to see your entire life's story at a glance for those brave enough to inquire into what the stars have in store for them.Of course, rumours are often greatly exaggerated.The owner was nothing more than a friendly, Keeper of the Moon Miqo'te who hailed from the Far Eastern lands. Or so she claimed. While she brought a taste of Yanxia to Eorzea, there was something off about her. Whether you are curious to dig deeper or not, the choice is in your hands.You could be a weary traveler looking for a place to rest, a homesick Yanxian longing for their roots, someone curious to know what their future is like or simply a person looking for decent tea, the Hēi Māo welcomes all.Care to come in?


As you might know, the Elemental Data Center does not have many RP-focused venues. So, I thought about opening my house/shop as a venue of sorts that's fully committed to RP. Having said that, here are some rules to abide by while you are at the Hēi Māo:1. Please be in-character at all times while you're indoors.2. When having OOC interactions, do use (()). You may also consider using /party or /tell for private interactions.3. The usual rules. Don't harass people, don't disturb the peace (disturbing the peace IC is okay within reason), no spamming, no crafting in venue, etc.4. While not required, you are encouraged to RP in the open. That means, feel free to communicate in /say and /em; just to give a feel of it for those who are newer to RP.5. Do come here if you really want to RP or want to get into RP, and do reconsider if you simply wish to AFK. It's fine if you want to do so anyway just to see, but do expect that other patrons might try to interact with you as open RP is encouraged.6. Have fun. The main focus here is to RP; whether you're a seasoned veteran or someone who'd like to know what's RP is like.If you have any questions, feel free to send Kada Katzenberg a /tell!

What if I don't know where to start?

Always wanted to RP but don't know where or how to start? No worries, you're also welcomed here.Obviously, you must've had an in-character reason to be here. Therefore, here are some prompts you can use:1. You are a curious adventurer drawn to the fortunetelling aspect of things. Perhaps you'd like to know the outcome of an upcoming battle, the location of a missing treasure or perhaps how you'd fare with a certain man or woman?2. You are someone with ties to Yanxia or Othard. Maybe this shop is a reminder of something familiar from back home. Have any tales from your travels to share? Is home a place you're running to... or running from?3. You are an ordinary citizen who simply likes to visit different venues just for the ambience or to hear the chitter-chatter of those around you. Visited any other interesting places before? Do share your experiences.4. You are an otherworldy creature yourself and you may have sensed a kindred spirit. Would it be possible for you to establish contact without arousing suspicion?5. You're hoping to meet up with like-minded individuals. Perhaps you can find some companionship with your fellow visitors?6. You knew of Lady Kadako and wish to know of her fate or what this new person's connection with her.

Do you have any tips?

1. No Godmoding. That means you are only in control of your own characters, not others.2. Unless we've RPed before, we pretty much don't know each other. While you may have heard of me through one way or another, I probably have not heard of you (unless there's valid reasons for that to happen).3. Play along, make something up along the way. That's what makes RP fun to begin with. When it's cohesive enough, even if you didn't have any prior story before, now you do.4. Always remember that RP stands for roleplay; you are playing a role. That means whatever happens in-character is separate from what happens out-of-character!There are plenty more tips you can find online, but these are some of the ones I'd like to highlight. If you have any inquiries, do let me know.